Want to know what he made me???
Sitting on the edge of your seat maybe???
Well -
here it is--
Now first, let's clear up any confusion. The actually shape of the heart is the third word of the phrase: TARHEEL AT (implied) HEART. It took me a minute so I wanted to make sure you got the message. The foot is actually HIS foot traced on the wood and cut out. He struggled to get the colors, shape and sentiment exactly right.
You would think that this is the ultimate gift for me because it has to do with the TAR HEELS. But you would be wrong in that assumption. The gift was himself. He has gotten into watching the games with me, striving to understand the rules and even knows a few of the players names. Not because that is a requirement for living with me (contrary to popular belief), but because he wants to love the things I love. He wants to be a part of the things that I am a part of. To the point that he even offered his own foot as a template, as if to say: "Here is a small part of me so that you can always remember that I forever want to be a part of every aspect of your life, no matter how trivial, because you are important to me." Okay, so that exact sentiment may not ever come out of his mouth, but his actions have always spoken louder and more eloquent than his words ever could.!!
Thank you for that, Brian! A Hallmark card or Shakespearean sonnet couldn't have said it better!! I am truly blessed to have such a loving, devoted husband that treats me as if it were Valentine's Day EVERYDAY!