Okay, so its been over 3 months since my last post. In my defense, I've been a little occupied and also less than motivated. But!! It's a new year and so (a few weeks late) a new resolve to keep updating this masterpiece of a blog! LOL!
Kaliese is still doing well at school. She brings home constant homework with an occasional project mixed in for kicks. She has completed a timeline of her long life, which was actually very educational for her. She is currently working on creating a prototype of a product, which includes drawing it, writing about it, creating it, and advertising it. And yes, she is still in first grade. She is also working on telling time and counting money which she has grasped fairly easily. She got a watch for Christmas (not digital) and does very well telling time. Her report cards communicate that she is excelling in all except for sitting still, but I'll take it.

Braedyn is not necessarily growing by leaps and bounds, but has moved from 6% to 10% in his growth chart. There's a lot to be said for PB&J!! He continues to be my faithful companion in cheering for the Tar Heels and once in a while allows us entrance into his make-believe world (where he seems to spend most of his time). Brian and I have been working with him on letters and numbers and such. He is grasping it slowly but surely. While we remain impressed with his ability to name most any superhero, transformer, etc. and his uncanny memory for the weird and obscure, we know that he needs to move into the realm of traditional academia. If only Indiana Jones could take him on a quest for knowledge through the alphabet jungle, we would be set!

At home, she enjoys playing with her brother, but also likes some alone time. She reads and draws a good bit, as well as continues to expand her skills on the computer. She received little Barbies and Littlest Pet Shop creatures (both with several accessories including a house and shopping center I found cheap on craigslist!) She loves to play with those by herself or with Braedyn and Kadyn. She continues to grow in beauty and spirit and I continue to be a proud parent and am so grateful for her.

He received Indiana Jones and Star Wars action figures for Christmas, to add to his growing variety of heroes of all kinds. He plays with them constantly and never tires of cracking his whip!! You would think after 8 months, he would tire of the IJ theme song....but no, not even close! He, like his sister, is just a joy to know. He cracks me up daily and is such a little entertainer!
Brian and I are doing well, in spite of the unemployment anvil that's been weighing on us for 6 months now. We have really been challenged spiritually, but God continues to be faithful on a daily basis. We have received prayers, encouragement, support and gifts from friends, family and even anonymously without which we never could have survived. It is amazing how God uses people to touch our lives in so many ways. We hope we are as effective in the lives of others. Brian is scheduled to begin training in a truck driving job on Feb. 4. We are not sure where that will lead, but trust that God has a plan.
So....this has been a lengthy summation of the past few months. The next one, which will be soon, will be a little more specific and hopefully a better read!!