As a wife and mom of 2, my everyday blah jobs of laundry, pb&js, bathtime, etc. can seem much less mundane by a constant quest for treasure. Sure sometimes it comes in finding a couple of dollars in my husband's pants pocket before they are thrown into the wash, or in finding that long lost remote in one of the toy baskets. But I'm speaking more of the hidden and unexpected finds that make the days a little more exciting. They come in many different forms, venues and genres covering the wide scope of the goings on of my days. First, of course, they come in my children. That unexpected hug from my 3 year old telling me she loves me. Watching my one year old take his first steps. Not hearing any noises from them in a while, only to find that they are sitting in the playroom quiety playing blocks together. Other times it comes from my hobbies of photography, scrapbooking and yard sales. Capturing the perfect picture or finding a much sought after army footlocker for $2 for my son's WWII room. And most importantly, finding little treasures even about myself. That I really could make one more pb&j without pulling my hair out, or that I am worthy of a few minutes of quiet time without feeling guilty. All of these little treasures are preserved when I can through pictures, journals and scrapbooks, but the others are just to take with me to experience, learn from, cherish and hold as a mom always does.
I am delighted and inspired by this, your first official blog post. I feel that finding you has been indeed one of the tresures of which you speak. I am so excited for you Kelly as you begin your latest adventure in the blog world. Welcome. I think we all have a thing or two to learn from you...you've got a great perspective!!
Congrats and welcome to the world of blog. It's a great place to be. I have learned so much, mostly about myself, through writing and reading what others have written. Good luck! And I love the photo ;-) So sweet.
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