Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Day After Laughter

Ok, so its no longer April Fool's Day! But I figure every day is April 1st when you have a permanent Joker living under your roof!

I drink hot chocolate out of rather large mugs and he loves to finish off the dregs for me (the unmixed powder that leaves a thick chocolate substance at the bottom). Without hesitation, its just bottoms up which usually leaves a very messy face! This one looked like a permanently affixed Joker smile so I got out my camera. Braedyn, excited at the prospect of having his picture taken, says "Cheese me, mom!" That's his new way of saying "Take my picture!"

Treasure of the day:

This evening our church had a special prayer meeting on behalf of my friend who is seriously injured. There were about 30 people there praying specifically for different aspects of her situation: healing, spiritual strength for her and her family, wisdom for the doctors, etc. It was very intense and I walked out of there with a sense of overwhelming peace. As the purpose of our prayers was NOT to grant ME peace, I can only imagine the wonders God worked this very evening in that dreary hospital room! I will continue to 'praise Him through this storm'!!

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