Funny Story (that has nothing to do with this picture, I just thought is was a cool set of Kaliese doing her flips off the bar!).
Last night I made grilled porkchops for dinner. As we were setting the food on the table and getting ready to eat, Kaliese made the comment that all meat comes from pigs. I told her that some does and some comes from cows and some from chicken. She wasn't sure how that worked. But she volunteered to pray for dinner, "Thank you God for this food and thank you for pigs and cows and chicken. In Jesus name, AMEN!" Later as we were eating, she asked about the skin of the animals. Did we cook that? She asked about more details of just how this meat related to pigs. I kindly asked her to wait until after we had finished eating to have that discussion. Something about eating porkchops and talking about pig skin just doesn't digest well!!!
Anyway, about the picture. The kids had a wonderful time playing outside and Kaliese used the swingset as a obstacle course - trying to get from one end to the other without touching the ground. The picture is of her fantastic dismount!! They played tee-ball for awhile and barked at the dogs on either side of the yard. They were filthy, but a good filthy!!