Well we made it safely to California! The trip was relatively uneventful except for the one hour delay. The kids were actually very good.
Kaliese and Braedyn have loved playing with their cousins daily. They have been swimming in the hot tub 'cause the pool is a little cold (the highs here have been between 79-82!). They went to a really nice park yesterday morning. Braedyn even went down a slide all by himself!!
Auntie Gay brought fun presents for all the kids. Kaliese got some cute notebooks and Braedyn got a fun hackey sack which his dad tried unsuccessfully to show him how that's done.
The children actually braved the cooler temperatures last night and jumped into the big pool. They insisted it wasn't cold.
Braedyn decided he wasn't going to risk it and stayed where it was toasty warm.
However, lured by the excited jumping and splashing of the older kids, he found his way over and stood on the steps. After about five minutes I asked him if he was cold. It was more a rhetorical question because he was violently shaking. He did admit to freezing and quickly jumped back into the hot tub.
For the most part they have slept well. They slept 'til 7:15am today which is an hour later than they slept yesterday!!!
Its supposed to be a little warmer today, so maybe we will go swimming.
I will keep you posted!!
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