Sunday, September 28, 2008

Another notch on the growth chart...

It's been awhile since I've updated, but that doesn't mean the children haven't secured a few more accomplishments on their growth chart.

Kaliese looks and talks more grown up everyday! We've started a new hairstyle of growing her bangs out, which at her rate of hair growth, could take a while. Meanwhile, it just means we have to pull her hair back every day. But she's still just as beautiful and as a bonus I get to see her eyes!

She has also started riding the bus home from school. I still take her in the mornings, but to save on gas and allow her brother a nap at a reasonable time, it has become convenient for her to ride the bus home. She enjoys it mostly. Its a big kid thing! However, she does come home with just a wealth of knowledge, both useful and not so useful. She is doing really well at school!

Braedyn has also grown by leaps and bounds (almost literally!). He still enjoys having his sister read to him from time to time, but now shares that joy with his best friend. A darling sight if ever I saw one.....

He is gaining ground on learning ABCs and 123s. It always helps if Spider-man is your tutor!!

But still he mostly enjoys dressing up as superheroes/villians (sometimes both at the same time - hey, you do what you have to do when playing by yourself!), playing with his transformers and spending time in his new "big boy room" layout.

Oh yeah... and he is also now potty-trained (except for at night). It was one of those things where he wasn't going to bother with it until he was ready, but once he was ready it seemed like an overnight success story! So he is officially a Big Boy!
(No, I don't have pics of that!)

They both now have a chore chart. They check off the items as they do them and earn money at the end of the week. We are taking the Dave Ramsey approach and they each have a giving jar, spending jar and saving jar. So far, they really seem to enjoy it!

Although I am so proud of all they accomplish on a daily basis, time is flying by just a little too fast!

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