Tuesday, April 15, 2008

The inevitable has occurred.....

Well, we did it. After many painstaking weeks of searching, discussing, traveling, negotiating and deliberation we finally mangaged to acquire a minivan. Hopefully we will at last get a glimpse of the ever advertised paradise only accessible to those with the power of the ultimate family vehicle.
It's not new, but still a great deal. 2001 Nissan Quest (which was one of our top picks). A nice dark grey which will coordinate nicely with the necessary Tarheel car attire. It does come with a drop down tv screen, but it only plays VHS. That will do for now I suppose (even though we just got rid of most of our VHS movies). It has a 6 disc-CD changer which is just great because Braedyn likes to switch back and forth from Pirates of the Caribbean music to the Transformers theme song -- they are on two separate CDs! It has a few other really nice options. The guy selling it paid for a really nice detail job, so the inside is really clean and the outside has a few very minor scratches, but otherwise shines.
We can cross one thing off our to do list....397 other things to go LOL!

1 comment:

Sara said...

Congratulations! Welcome to the club! I hope you enjoy yours as much as I do mine! (But, of course, I thrive to be the "soccer mom" kind of gal). Enjoy making it UNC ready!